Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated TV Shows and Movies

Happy Tuesday book dragons! Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she assigns a topic and I make a list that fits the topic. This week’s topic is most anticipated releases for the first half of 2019. Because I actually did a similar post a few days ago, I decided to put a spin on this and list my most anticipated TV shows and movies. I don’t watch a lot of TV or movies, but these are the ones that I’m really looking forward to this year. I hope you enjoy my list!


1. Game of Thrones – I watched a 5 second teaser yesterday and my life hasn’t been the same since. I’m so desperate for new Game of Thrones content that I’ll take whatever they give me at the moment. Hopefully, the powers that be will drop the full trailer later this month. Anyways, I can’t wait to find out how things end in Westeros.

2. Avengers: Endgame – Am I the only person who felt personally victimized by Infinity War? That ending was just disrespectful and I need Marvel to FIX IT with Endgame. I’m excited for Endgame, but I’m not ready to say goodbye to Chris Evans as Captain America. Also, wish we could’ve enjoyed Bearded Cap a little bit longer.

RIP Captain America’s beard. I’ll never forget what you did for Cap’s sex appeal.

3. Young Justice: Outsiders – When DC announced they were picking up Young Justice for a third season, I couldn’t be more thrill because I love this show and the characters sooooo much. The first 3 episodes came out last week, but the entire season isn’t available to stream yet. Because DC is releasing three episodes a week, I’m waiting for rest of the episodes before I binge it.


4. Captain Marvel – Carol Danvers is coming for everyone’s wig and I’m ready for it! You better watch your back, Thanos!

5. The Lion King – I know this isn’t actually live-action and I’ve seen The Lion King a million times, but…nostalgia.

6. Spider-Man: Far From Home – When Marvel announced they were going to reboot Spider-Man, I was very much against it. I wanted them to focus on POC superheroes (which I still do) instead of another Spider-Man reboot (seriously, how many times can we watch uncle Ben die?). However, I loved Tom Holland as Spider-Man in Civil War and have been on board since. I can’t wait for Far From Home.


That’s all folks. What books, movies, or TV shows are you highly anticipating this year? Let me know in the comments!

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20 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated TV Shows and Movies

  1. Great list 🙂🙂

    I’m SO excited for The Lion King – it’s going to be amazing! I’m definitely still going to cry, can you imagine watching that cute lion seeing Mufasa die 😭😭😭

    Also really want to watch Captain Marvel, I think it’s going to be really good!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Michelle! I can’t imagine experiencing the trauma of Mufasa’s death again. Hahaha. Lol! I usually skip it when I watch it, but I’ll make an exception this time around.

      Liked by 1 person

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